About the course

In this course you will learn in 5 hours more than I had learned in a few years. It should save you years of frustration and give you insights on how to absorb new vocabulary easily. No using imagination and no mnemonics. Ideas borrowed from Semitic languages. It is based on shifting letters, metathesis and nasalization. Just very basic techniques that work but are not taught at school. 

The course is divided into two parts: theory and practical training. It is recommended to watch frst the theory part if you are not acquintanted with the concepts presented here. The practical training contains about 500 words with my comments and hints.

The bonus part contains additional useful information for beginners (double consonants, long and short vowels)

There no complicated techniques to follow. Even a begiiner is able to grasp them. Only open mind is required because I teach things in no conventional way. It is more like mathematical expressions with fractions. Once you understand them, you will know even if snatched from sleep at 3 in the morning that 2/4 and ½ are the same . The only difference is being based on letters instead of numbers.

You should be able to finish the course within a few hours or days.

The theory explained can be applied to other languages! The letter rules are universal and it doesn't matter if you apply them to English and German or English and Arabic or Japanese.. 

The course is designed for all levels but beginners and low intermediates should get the most out of it. It may be eye-opening and give them the aha! effect.

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